Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Friday, October 9, 2009

Maternity Acupressure Guide Review - What Every Future Mom Should Know To Give Birth Easier

The E-Book, “Easier, Shorter, and Safer Birth” is probably one of the best things that I have discovered when searching for some tips on how I could do maternity acupressure at home by myself. I decided to do a search because I was already on the last week of my pregnancy and I was not close to being dilated yet. This book taught me everything about maternity acupressure and how it can help induce labor safely and naturally. My previous labor induction was really painful and caused me to have a caesarean operation. When I tried this book, I was on my second pregnancy and did not want to go through that pain again.

All maternity acupressure techniques are explained in this guide. It showed me how to do maternity acupressure and made me realize how easy it was to apply these safe techniques. My husband became more involved with my pregnancy since he helped me with the acupressure exercices. Although I was able do them by myself, my husband felt comfortable helping me.

It was not hard for me to locate the maternity acupressure points since there were pictures and videos available that showed the pressure points. The feelings when the correct spots were hit were also explained.

What do you get with this Maternity Acupressure package?

Here are some of the things that you get:

· The Easier, Shorter, and Safer Birth book that includes 25 techniques and 52 pages on how to do maternity acupressure.

· The Amazing Hidden Facts of Good Birthing Positions guide– this can help moms to be to experience :

o Lesser pain
o Lesser analgesics
o Shorter labor
o Perineal tears are lesser
o Episiotomy is not needed as much
o Fetal distress for babies is avoided
o Supply of oxygen is better

· Maternity Acupressure Videos – these videos are included in the package when you download the Easier, Shorter, and Safer Birth book and are really helpful.

What can you expect from this Maternity Acupressure guide?

This book teaches everything about maternity acupressure techniques. You will learn how to:

1. Induce labor at home
2. Speed up a slow early labor
3. Stimulate labor contractions
4. Relieve labor pain with safe techniques
5. Use acupressure tips to calm your mind
6. Avoid nausea and vomiting
7. Help in cervix dilation
8. Prepare yourself for delivery and labor
9. Help your baby find the right position
and much more

All this information helped me give birth easier than the first time. I was very calm because I knew how I could handle the pain. I was so confident and prepared that I didn’t have to ask for any pain relievers. Being prepared can change everything.

Does it work?

Yes. This is one of the most popular method used by a lot of pregnant women and even by professionals like midwives and doctors. This can really help you improve your birthing experience and start labor safely and naturally.

Maternity acupressure has helped 83% of women induce labor within hours.
The maternity acupressure method helps you stimulate contractions and helps the dilation of your cervix for your baby to descend. This way, the delivery time is shorter than the average time of giving birth.

Who is Maternity Acupressure for?

This product is for pregnant women who are on their 39th week or more. Maternity acupressure can only help women who are close to labor and not those who are on their 38th week or below

Bad Points:

The only bad thing that I can think of for this product is the price – not that it's too expensive (about $29), it's just that i was skeptical at first, but after downloading the package and putting everything into practice, i must admit that the author over-delivers.

Moreover, there's a full money back guarantee so you really have nothing to lose.

Good points:

The fact that the book teaches how to use a natural and safe way of inducing labor over the risky medical induction that hospitals offer is already a good thing. You can gain more benefits from using maternity acupressure to induce labor than from the medical ones. Even science has proven that doing using acupressure to induce labor is very effective and can even be more effective than the other type of inductions.

The book clearly explains what the different parts of your body can do for you and how they can help in preparing yourself for childbirth. Some of the things that these pressure points can help with:

· Relaxation
· Nausea
· Nervousness
· Anxiety
· Pain
· Induction
· Contractions
· Dilation

This book is going to be a really good help for those who want to have an easy, safe and fast way of starting labor.

My conclusion:

I am sure that having the book "Easier, Shorter, and Safer Birth" is going to be a huge help since maternity acupressure is clearly explained in the book. And having this book is going to help you for life – the cost of $29 is not even enough for a book like this since you are getting more out of it. The fact that you are going to have an easy, short and safe birth is priceless and is something that you need not fear about anymore. This book will definitely help you if you are a first time mom since you will reduce seriously your fears of going through labor. And for those who are expecting a second baby or third like I did, this ebook might make you look forward to your future pregnancies.

Labor Acupressure : Best Way To Induce Labor Naturally

As a pregnant woman, drawing near to your due date would make you feel excited and afraid at the same time, especially if it’s your first time. Moreso if you’re past your due date and realize that you haven’t contracted at all. You may be tempted to encourage the labor to start. Luckily, there are several natural remedies to choose from in order to induce labor. Acupressure is touted to be the favorite among pregnant women.

Acupressure is your best bet since it has no negative side effects! Based on the same medical philosophy as acupuncture, it doesn’t use needles to apply the pressure but uses fingers to apply pressure on specific and sensitive points of the body. Acupressure to induce labor is chosen by many pregnant women because it ensures the safety of both mom and infant.

Positive finding shows that labor acupressure and the Japanese technique of “shiatsu” help to start labor quite effectively. But how does labor acupressure work exactly? Through applying pressure in different parts of the body, the baby descends and presses onto the cervix and gets into the position for labor. It ripens and dilates the cervix and initiates contractions.

If you are overdue, you may find yourself going into labor 48 hours after a session of acupressure. Today, acupressure to induce labor is more frequently used to help progress a slow one. The Chinese would say that using acupressure balances the “yin”, “yang”, and “qi” of the woman’s “meridian system”. This may be in line more with spirituality than hard science, but once studied and applied, acupressure is definitely effective. It would help your body to function better and many doctors and midwives promote acupressure to induce labor naturally.

Simple Way To Induce Labor At Home

By the time you have your newborn baby, it’s for sure that you know that like you, they want to have their space.

It might be similar to the case of waiting for your baby to arrive and claim that own space. While the medical world has set your estimated date of delivery of your child, it is still not sure when the baby is coming out. When you become overdue, you doctor might advise you to have chemically induced labors to help out. While this may seem very convenient, you fear that the medications can cause your baby health complications. You then seek for more natural ways of inducing labor. You find out that you can walk and this can help you contract frequently.

Being one of the most natural and easiest ways to induce labor at home, walking pregnant women can be a common scene in the park and other recreational areas, in the hallway, and mostly in hospitals. Even before you deliver the child, the doctor or the medical staff will ask you to walk to hasten the labor process. Walking can help you jumpstart your labor, eventually decreasing the chances of having a long labor. This not only saves you pain, but your baby as well as he or she does not have to endure long labors before he or she can say hi to his or her mom and dad.

You may want to purchase a walking track so you can really enjoy inducing labor by literally walking at home. However, make sure that you still have fresh air while walking so you and your baby still have fresh supply of oxygen needed for good blood flow. Moreover, don’t walk alone! Invite a friend or ask your partner to accompany you when walking just in case your contractions become too frequent and severe. Moreover, in as much as you want to speed up the labor, don’t push yourself too hard – not good for you and for your baby.

There are still other options to consider that can help induce labor at home. However, whichever method you choose, don’t forget to relax and be careful.

What is Labor Acupressure?

The fear of exceeding your estimated delivery date or EDD can be very physically and psychologically stressful. Just the time that you were expecting to deliver, you find out that the contractions are not enough to prepare you for delivery. This also means prolonged physical distress like sleep deprivation, breathing difficulties, back pains and a lot more. This can be more stressful when you have more chores and kids to take care of.

Your doctor might have advised you to use medications to induce labor, but you’re afraid for your child’s health. The fact that you might exceed your due date might have effects on your child, and you don’t want to add more bad effects, if there would be any.

No wonder why you are looking for natural ways to induce labor, despite the availability of medical labor inductions. Why not try labor acupressure?

Labor acupressure is the application of pressure to the sensitive points of the skin. This method causes the cervix to dilate, thus making the contractions more frequent that speeds up the labor. This then increases the chances of having short and easy labor. A number of acupressure points which can effectively induce labor. However, you don’t need to utilize all of them, because reasons for using the acupoints and even the combinations of acupoints will be different among expectant mothers.

There are times that using only one acupoint can jumpstart your labor. Pick the acupoints that work best for you and treat them in two hours-interval every morning, if you’re not using any medication, and every half an hour if you’re under chemical induction labor. At night, leave your body to rest.

However, make sure that you don’t use labor acupressure before you are well overdue because the opposite of your fear might happen instead – your baby will be born premature. It will be best to talk with your doctor regarding the practice of labor acupressure to induce labor naturally at home.