Friday, October 9, 2009

What is Labor Acupressure?

The fear of exceeding your estimated delivery date or EDD can be very physically and psychologically stressful. Just the time that you were expecting to deliver, you find out that the contractions are not enough to prepare you for delivery. This also means prolonged physical distress like sleep deprivation, breathing difficulties, back pains and a lot more. This can be more stressful when you have more chores and kids to take care of.

Your doctor might have advised you to use medications to induce labor, but you’re afraid for your child’s health. The fact that you might exceed your due date might have effects on your child, and you don’t want to add more bad effects, if there would be any.

No wonder why you are looking for natural ways to induce labor, despite the availability of medical labor inductions. Why not try labor acupressure?

Labor acupressure is the application of pressure to the sensitive points of the skin. This method causes the cervix to dilate, thus making the contractions more frequent that speeds up the labor. This then increases the chances of having short and easy labor. A number of acupressure points which can effectively induce labor. However, you don’t need to utilize all of them, because reasons for using the acupoints and even the combinations of acupoints will be different among expectant mothers.

There are times that using only one acupoint can jumpstart your labor. Pick the acupoints that work best for you and treat them in two hours-interval every morning, if you’re not using any medication, and every half an hour if you’re under chemical induction labor. At night, leave your body to rest.

However, make sure that you don’t use labor acupressure before you are well overdue because the opposite of your fear might happen instead – your baby will be born premature. It will be best to talk with your doctor regarding the practice of labor acupressure to induce labor naturally at home.

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